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We all are little bit concious for our health... isn't it? Because our good health is the only thing that gives us energy to do work and to live life peacefully.

Health refers to a complete wellness of our body physically as well as mentally. So, it's our duty to keep our bodies healthy and disease free. In such case, we have to eat foods which are rich in proteins and vitamins and can keep our body fit and energetic.

So, here i am listing 4 foods to take in your daily lives which are not only good for your health but also good in taste.

1. A fruit in a day :
As we all know that eating fruits are very good for our health. They are rich in nutrients. It is always said that to eat fresh fruits to get maximum benefits from them. They are not only healthy but are also delicious. They comes in a variety of tastes, some are sweet, some are sour and some bitter. 
Everyday, atleast eat one fruit. Fruits such as Banana, Papaya are grown 12 months and are almost available whole year. 
Banana is a very common fruit that is available throughout the year. They are also rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B12,  Vitamin B6. Bananas are very good for your skin, heart health and blood pressure, they also help to cure diarrhea. But excess of eating Bananas can also lead to constipation. So make sure you eat maximum 2-3 bananas per day either in morning with breakfast or at day. 
Papaya is another fruit which is also good to improve your immunity, improve your eyesight, helps on weight loss, helps to reduce stress, improves your digestion and also helps to reduce menstrual pain. Papaya releases an enzyme called papain, which helps in easy flowing of the menstrual blood, which later reduces the pain in women. Women suffering from this pain should eat papayas several times a day.
Fruits add so many vitamins and minerals in our without adding extra calories. They help us to  prevent diseases in our body, helps to get rid of kidney stones, cancer, maintains our blood pressure and boosts our energy. So whichever fruit you like the most you can eat atleast one in a day. And in case, you don't like eating a raw fruit, you can also drink a fruit juice once in a day. This can be very beneficial for your health.

2. Sprouts on an alternate day : 
Sprouts are the beneficial plant compound which are rich source of nutrients and fibres for your body. The proteins and fibres that are found in meat or non veg are present in sprouts. So if you are a vegetarian, must eat them for a good result. They keep your body healthy and energetic. If you are dieting, sprouts can also be a great addition to your diet, as it also helps in weight loss with some excercise. It can also help you in your hair growth, as they contain Vitamin C and nutritions which can be used to promote hair. Some of the best sprouts you can make of are : Green Gram sprouts(Moong Beans), Black Chickpeas Sprouts (Kala Chana), Soyabean Sprouts, etc.You can eat raw sprouts as well as cooked or boiled sprouts. But it is said that raw sprouts are more healthy than the cooked ones and they are usually eaten raw.
To eat raw sprouts, for example of green gram - First wash them thoroughly for atleast 3-4 times and soak in water for 8 to 10 hours. Then rinse them off and put them in cotton cloth and tie them with a knot. It is not necessary to tie a knot, you can also keep them open in cloth. But it takes warm temperature to grow sprouts faster that's why most people tie the cloth. You can also use a jar, bowl or a box. But it is told that to tie them in a cloth tastes better. Depending on the temperature, some sprouts grow in hours and some also take a day or more than a day.
To make boiled sprouts, wash them thoroughly, rinse them off and boil them for 15-20 minutes. Include the salt in boiling water, cover the utensil with lid and boil them gently.
But boiling degrades the quality of protein a little. So it is better to eat them raw. You can add some chopped tomatoes, onions, coriander for making the sprouts salad. You can also add some spices such as black salt, red chilly, salad masala for a taste.
Sprouts can be eaten early in the morning as breakfast or at evening also, but only once in a day. Eating excess of raw sprouts can also upset the stomach. You can eat them alternate days for an energetic body.

3. A glass of milk in a day:
Almost everyone knows about milk and take it as their morning breakfast. But many people add tea leaves into milk. Instead of adding tea leaves, drinking raw milk can be more beneficial. If you want some taste into it, you can add protein powders into the milk. Many protein powders or protein shakes are available in the market. This can double up the power of milk into your body. Make sure your protein powder does not have any preservatives in it. Therefore, check the ingredients properly while purchasing. 
Drinking a glass of milk everyday is also very healthy for your muscles and bones. Milk can be used as an energy booster and as it is rich in calcium, it can also prevent cavities and can build you strong teeths. Milk can reduce stress, helps in muscle growth and makes the bones healthy. You can drink milk either one or two times in a day, for example in morning and at evening. Many people apply raw milk on their face for a better complexion, soft, smooth and glowing skin. You can also try this daily if you want a softer and glowing skin. 

4. A salad in a day : 
Vegetables are also very rich in fibre and proteins. And eating a salad in a day is one of the most healthy eating habits you can do. Adding tomatoes, onion, cabbage, beetroots, carrots, cucumbers to a salad is a good and delicious combination. You can also add some Black Salt in it for taste. Green and leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage can also be healthy salad for you as green salads are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fibre and much more, they are also low in calories so it can also reduce cholesterol. Red vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, beetroots in your salad can improve the number of RBCs in your body. Salad can also be a combination of fruits and vegetables. Salads are also good for your skin, it prevents ageing, wrinkling, and can also improve dark under eye circles, and makes the skin smoother. They can also be a part of your dieting, as it also helps in weight loss with some excercise. So if you are dieting, salad is the first thing that can help you in your diet. You can eat salad anytime you eat meal, you can eat salad during your lunch, dinner and even during your breakfast. There are no side effects of eating salads more than a time in a day. Eating salads more than one time a day can be super helpful for your health. 

*You can take heavy breakfast in the morning and can take light dinner at night, as it takes a little more time to digest at bed time. Remember to go for a walk if you are taking a lot in dinner. As a walk in a day is very good for your body.*


  1. Content is nice.
    Beautifully explained more

  2. Thank you but your link is not clickable.

  3. Very nice and informative article as these are some of the foods that are easily available rather than people running after something expensive.

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